New Dungeon Run Mode Announced

BlizzCon 2017 saw Blizzard announce Kobolds and Catacombs, a new expansion to Hearthstone. With Kobolds and Catacombs, players can explore Azeroth’s deepest dungeons and collect 135 new cards. The expansion brings Dungeon Run, a new single-player game mode to Hearthstone.

Dungeon Run turns a regular game of Hearthstone into a fantasy dungeon crawl, not too dissimilar to rogue likes such as FTL and Asura. You start with a novice deck from a class of your choice and face a series of progressively stronger foes, randomly selected from a huge pool of unique bosses.

As you progress, you’ll bolster your decks with cards looted from defeated bosses, including some immensely powerful treasures exclusive to Dungeon Runs. Losing a single battle results in the end of your Dungeon Run.

Hearthstone: Kobolds and Catacombs release date is December for Windows and Mac PCs, iOS and Android devices, and even Windows Mobile tablets and smartphones. Yes, Windows. That’s not a typo.

You can pre-purchase Kobolds and Catacombs card packs in a special 50-pack bundle for a $50 price and receive a special in-game jewel-encrusted “For the Hoard!” card for free.

In addition to this, Blizzard also announced a new map and hero for Overwatch along with StarCraft 2 going free-to-play, and a new expansion to World of Warcraft called Battle for Azeroth.

Disclosure: Blizzard sponsored the correspondent’s flights and hotel for BlizzCon 2017.

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