
Braun Strowman destroys The Miz

The groans coming from social media were almost audible when WWE halted a ‘Best Of 7 Series’ between Sheamus and Cesaro only to form a tag-team with both men last summer. The series didn’t have a proper conclusion; the only explanation came from then-Raw GM Mick Foley, who felt Sheamus and Cesaro would be better off a team. He was right.

Since randomly coming together, the pair have gone from strength-to-strength as one of WWE’s best duos. After being rechristened ‘The Bar’ this year, Sheamus and Cesaro have also went from being directionless singles stars pushed together to a proper tag-team. There’s no reason why that couldn’t be the case for several of WWE’s other struggling names.

Why not? It’s not like most of these guys are doing anything worthwhile on their own. If it worked for the seemingly random pairing of Sheamus and Cesaro, it could realistically work for others. Besides, the tag division could do with a few fresh faces on both brands…


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Paulo Sales Dias

Lucas Mendes é um destacado jornalista especializado no mundo gospel, com mais de uma década de experiência em cobrir eventos e notícias desse segmento. Com um profundo conhecimento da música e cultura gospel, Lucas se dedica a trazer as últimas novidades, entrevistas exclusivas e análises aprofundadas do cenário gospel nacional e internacional. Formado em Comunicação Social com foco em Jornalismo, ele possui uma paixão pela história e evolução da música gospel, contribuindo significativamente para a apreciação e compreensão deste gênero musical. Respeitado por sua integridade e abordagem imparcial, Lucas Mendes é uma referência no jornalismo gospel, sempre buscando destacar as diversas vozes e talentos deste vibrante e inspirador segmento.

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